Friday 4 December 2009

Film opening research

today (3/12/09) and the week before(27/11/09) Me and my colleague Ant researched in detail gangster film openings - we started with classics - i.e Goodfellas and other films - the Departed, The Godfather and a few others. From this we surmised that the are varying techniques involved with gangster films in general - most are specifically dated to the Jazz age period of the 1930's - centered around prohibition and the rise of Italian American Families.
this would periodically based clothes - pinstriped suits - probably unlikely to be replicated for a film opening n detail, at least, however would be a good idea if it could be done with accuracy.
here are the videos we watched:

Media Language
the media language in the goodfellas i.e the terminology used in the film is based around traditional italian american accents and sounds - which emphasizes the authenticity of film as a whole.

Goodfellas, The departed and the Godfather all follow traditional Gangster convention

Wednesday 23 September 2009


hey im sam.
im 16, and taking A levels.
Im in a band.
the City Lightz - check them out please :)
One of my ALevels is media - and over the next 2 years im going to blog on my progression through the course and the techniques I pick up.